The book of Job is considered to be the oldest book in the bible. Job lived before Abraham or was thought to be a contemporary of Abraham. The truth found in Job is not about Israel, as Israel did not yet exist. God taught Israel about the law and a moral code of conduct. The law had not yet been given to Israel at this point of time. Although it’s principles have been universal throughout time. Truth is unveiled by God in the book of Job. In the cannon of scripture the book of Job is part of what scholars call the books of wisdom. Proverbs and Ecclesiastics are also considered in this classification.
Why do Good People Suffer
This book deals with deep seated questions mankind has been asking for millenniums. Why do good people suffer? Why do Christians get sick, lose children, watch spouses die, lose their home or jobs? Shouldn’t those who truly love God be exempt form such tragedies? Does God really love us?
Satan is the source and root to the original sin of mankind. The devil came to Eve in the Garden of Eden and subtly stated “has God said, you shall not eat of every tree of the garden?” The devil always presents God as if He is not generous and that God is holding back from you. That God is only out for his own self and has no concern for you. But the Cross of Jesus Christ destroys this lie as God did not have to send His son to die for your sins.
God is Just and very Compassionate
God is a loving God. God’s word is true and cannot be compromised. The Judicial part of God is His righteousness and holiness. If God was to compromise his holiness the very framework that hold up all of creation would fall apart. The essence of God is love. Self-sacrificing (the Cross) and self-giving (Eternal life). God loves us without a cost. We want God to love us because of something within us. We try to give God a reason to love us – but such a reason only frustrates His Grace.
You might ask how a man born of a women could be righteous before God. God’s righteousness comes to us as a gift. God made a plan, and found a way through Christ dying on the cross for our sins and subsequently becoming liable for those sins. Down through the millennia from the time of Adam in the garden, God killed an animal and clothed Adam and Eve with blood showing us that without the shedding of blood there is no forgiveness of sin. God found a basis to make us righteous which is the Cross. God has found a ransom for us – Christ.
Job was Perfect and Upright before God
In the book of Job we are told that Job lived in the land of Uz, and that “he was perfect and upright and feared God, and eschewed evil.” Today we would call such a person a believer. A person God would call a son or daughter. Job had substantial livestock and was considered to be the wealthiest person in that area. He also had a substantial household of seven sons and three daughters. Job prayed and offered burnt offerings for his children to God for fear that they may have sinned and cursed God in their hearts.
One day as the angels of God came to present themselves before the Lord, Satan also showed up. God points out to Satan consider Job, an upright man who feared God and eschewed evil. The devil suggests that Job fears God because God has blessed him with a hedge of protection around him. If you take away his blessings see if he still fears you. God allowed the Devil to test Job by taking away all of his blessings including his health. The Lord allowed this tragedy to befall Job to bring out a root of self-righteousness within him. Of course, this root of self-righteousness was made worse by Satan. The devil came against Job because God loved him. To hurt Job was meant to hurt God.
The Story of Job cannot Happen to Us today
The story of Job cannot happen to us today because Jesus defeated Satan on the cross and is now our advocate to God. If God had a hedge of protection around Job how much more will our Lord protect us, His children, from the Evil One? Job did not have an advocate and complained “If only there was a mediator who could bring us together, but there was none.” All those who have put their trust in Christ have Jesus as their advocate. Today, God says we are upright, blameless and perfect, not in ourselves, but in Christ. Just because we are now God’s children does not mean that there is no root or issues in our lives that have to be dealt with.
In our souls there is an uncontrolled development, an untimely growth that has to be checked and dealt with. What God is doing today is the pruning work of the vinedresser. On the one hand God is seeking to bring us to the place where we live by the life of his Son. On the other hand, He is doing a direct work in our hearts to undo that other natural resource that is the result of the fruit of knowledge.
There were three friends of Job named Eliphaz, Bildad and Zophar and had heard of the tragedy Job had suffered and travelled from their homes to comfort and console him. It started out well but ended very bad. The moment these three friends arrive there is no more mention of Satan. These three friends do the job of the devil. Using accusing, slandering and fault finding language there was little comfort and consolation toward Job. Their arguments were not wrong per say, but wrongly applied in Job’s situation.
Rightly Divide the Word of God

When you come to speak about truth make sure that the truth you speak is in season. Truth spoken out of season is no better than heresy. All scripture is inspired by God, but not all scripture applies to us. Do not take scripture meant for a rebellious Israel and apply it to God’s children. Some scriptures were meant for certain individuals and not meant for us Christians. They were written for our benefit to study and learn, to rightly divide the word.
Job responded to his accusers with a verbal rebuttal “Miserable comforters are you all.” Job’s attitude changed and he became bitter and started to blame God. There was no question Job helped the poor and elderly by showing kindness to others, but even people who are upright, blameless, fear God and eschewed evil can be self-righteous. Job was convinced that God had wronged him. God was not his problem – Satan was. Job would rather justify himself and condemn God. What is it about human nature that we would rather condemn God than condemn ourselves?
King David did not condemn God for his personal sins. He prayed “Against you, you only, have I sinned, and done this evil in your sight: That you might be justified when you speak and be clear when you judge.” David was considered to have had a heart after God.
Be Still and Know that I Am God
There was a young prophet named Elihu, who waited patiently for Job to stop speaking. He became angry at Job because he justified himself and blamed God. He also expressed anger at Job’s three friends because they had not said anything to help Job. Job’s problem was not about Job, but about how he treated God. God is good to us because He is good, not because we are good.
After Elihu spoke God began to speak. “Then the Lord answered Job out of the whirlwind, and said, Who is this that darkens council by words without knowledge?” God explains that He is the grandeur and sublimity of His wonderful creation. Who can be like God? His wisdom is perfect and His compassion never fails. God asks Job “Will you also disannul my judgement? Will you condemn me, that you can be righteous?” God’s word will outlast you long after you take your last breath and are gone. This life is temporal. The best thing in this life is to know Him. God loves us and is very compassionate.
If you stand before God as a judge you cannot be saved. When you come before God as your justifier you cannot be lost. If God justifies you who can condemn you? In the end Job answers the Lord and says “I know you can do everything, and that no thought can be withheld from you. I have heard of you by the hearing of the ear; but now mine eye sees you. Therefore I adbor myself, and repent in dust and ashes.” Job finally condemned himself.
There is an End
So the Lord blessed Job in the second half of his life even more than in the beginning. He also gave Job seven more sons and three more daughters. Job lived 140 years after that, living to see four generations of his children and grandchildren. Then he died, an old man who had lived a long satisfying life.
If you are going through a trial, always remember that there is an ending. You may not understand everything now but know that God loves you and is a compassionate God. The more Godly you are, the more persecution you will suffer for the name of Jesus. God can help you with any issues you are dealing with when you cooperate with him. Any root that needs removal can be dealt with by the power of His Holy Spirit.
The Lord disciplines those he loves. As you endure this divine discipline, remember that God is treating you as his own children. Seek this place of discipline with an attitude of unbridled consent. You will experience God’s uninterrupted joy and peace as you continue to give thanks to Him for all He has done for you. Even the small things show our indebtedness to Him. Understanding the goodness of God is the key to understanding the book of Job. “The Lord is gracious, and full of compassion, slow to anger, and of great mercy.”