the mystery of creation

Mystery of Creation Revealed

mystery of creation

We are over whelmed by the vastness of God, the imbalance of any creature’s relationship to such a being. We who barely comprehend ourselves are approaching a God we cannot possible comprehend. In one hand we hold the truth of God’s vastness, and in the other hand we hold the truth of God’s desire for intimacy. This vast difference between God and us allows this very capacity. This is part of the mystery of creation.

God operates by different rules of space and time. And God’s infinite greatness, which would expect to diminish us, actually makes possible the very closeness that we desire. A God unbound by our rules of time has the ability to invest in every person on earth. God has, quite literally, all the time in the world for each one of us.

Our life comes to us moment by moment. One moment disappears before the next comes along: and there is little room for very little in each. That is what Time is like. And of course you and I tend to take it for granted. This Time series – this arrangement of past, present and future – is not simply the way life comes to us, but the way all things really exist.

We tend to assume that the whole universe and God Himself are always moving on from past to future just as we do. Almost certainly God is not in Time. His life does not consist of moments following one another. God is an Eternal Spirit and beyond the constraints of Time. What really happened “In the Beginning” according to the Bible? When did time begin? We must remember that only God is eternal.

The Genesis account of Creation

We read in Genesis 1:1 “in the beginning God created the heaven and the earth.” When you begin a construction project you first start with raw materials. The building blocks of all physical reality are atoms. They are composed essentially of three thing: space, matter and energy. Notice at the beginning (at the outset) “God created the heavens.” The Hebrew word for heavens (SHAMAYIM) simply means stretched out SPACE. God had to first make empty space in which to put everything.

Next “God created … the earth,” The Hebrew word for earth (ERETS) simply means dirt or MATTER. What was the condition of these raw materials in the beginning? “without form and void” according to Genesis 1:2. When you take this matter and build something then you have form. Before that the MATTER was without form. The earth was truly EMPTY (void).

And then, in that same creative instant, God said “Let there be light!” So what we now have is the third aspect of all physical thing – ENERGY. At that instant electrons began their atomic movement, then processes were occurring in TIME. In a very simple yet profoundly scientific way, the Genesis account of God’s first creative act logically defines the basis of all physical reality: SPACE/MATTER/ENERGY.

Atom – smallest unit of Matter

The atom is the smallest unit in ordinary matter that forms a chemical element. Every solid liquid, gas, and plasma is composed of neutral or ionized atoms. The components of an atom are electrons and compact nucleus of protons and neutrons. Subatomic particles of the protons and neutrons have been call quarks.

In the nucleus of all atoms is a scientific mystery! All those positive – charged protons stick together! But if one was to take two bar magnets and try to push the two positive ends so they touch each other they repel each other. Because protons adhere closely in the nucleus of every atom evolutionists have theorized that a “strong force” holds together the atomic nucleus. It underlies interaction between all particles containing protons and neutrons. It seem a miracle of “science” that the structure of every atom in the universe doesn’t fly apart. We read in Colossians 1: 16, 17 “all thing were created by Him (Jesus) and for Him; and He is before all things, and by Him all things consist (or hold together).”

Water is Essential for Life

In Genesis 1:2 we read of God’s Spirit moving (or hovering) over the face of the waters. But no mention is made of how the water got there. The separation of waters by a firmament in verse 6 presumes that the waters have already been created. It is interesting to notice that the Hebrew word for waters is “MAYIM.” The first instance of the word “mayim” is in a compounded form with the “SHAM” meaning “there” or “in It.” It is thus found as the word “SHAMAYIM” and is translated as “heavens” in Genesis 1:1. It appears there is something about the expanse of “heavens” which inherently includes water.

Water is absolutely essential in liquid form for all the key systems of life. Circulation, digestion, reproduction, and respiration are all dependent on liquid water. Just as water is essential for physical life, so the Spirit is essential for our spiritual life. The fact that God’s Spirit interacted with water at the beginning seems to amplify the uniqueness of both in respect to their life-giving qualities.

The acts of creation were governed by God and by the laws He used at creation. Those creative principles are not presently continuing. God finished His creation and deemed it very good, before He rested. Though the laws of creation are not known, we are aware of the laws of “nature” in the created universe. Every natural law operating in the universe is governed by God through principals which He alone established. Gravity, nuclear physics, and the dynamics of light, mass, sound, and energy are all regulated by the NATURAL LAWS OF GOD. Most of them aren’t fully understood; they are only analyzed, and then to just a limited degree. “He upholds all thing by the word of His power” (Hebrews 1:3).

Crustal Upheaval

mystery of creation

Gradualism is the evolutionary concept that present slow processes made the mountains and land forms. Dynamic large scale catastrophe is ruled out. Stretching present processes over millions of years supposedly accounts for it all. All our present mountains are made up of massive flood-laid layers. Many are loaded with evidence of volcanism under water. Though peaceful looking today, all mountains are the result of violent crustal upheavals. They are typical evidences of the Biblical flood.

The idea of “gradual improvement of all things” has permeated our thinking on just about every subject. Through our study to understand the truth, this subtle philosophy is based on dogmatic beliefs and not sound scientific integrity at all. We must objectively examine all the evidence. To that must be added all the divine revelation available to us. Then we will have a superior perspective on the real world and the One who designed and energized every delicate detail.

Examine the Evidence

From the intricate universe of the microscopic cell and “invisible” atom to the unfathomable expanse of space, you look at creation and you see order, design, and natural law. What is the “intellectual” alternative? Did all creation just happen on its own? Just examine the evidence and see the hallmarks of the Master Designer. Truly, the fool has said there is no God (Psalm 14:1). And only a fool will insist, against all convincing evidence, that the only god is “eternal matter” and the only mechanism of creation is “endless ages of time.”

Did the universe begin with a super – explosion of a small mass 10-15 billion years ago? According to the evolutionary philosophy, all life ultimately originated from this explosion! Do explosions ever produce order? There was no “Big Bang” that started creation – God spoke it into existence. No Adam and Eve from apes – Its Adam and Eve from the beginning when the world was spoken into existence, just as it says. According to the testimony of the one who created all things, history comes from that eye witness – God Himself!