Faith Articles to Strengthen your Faith

Get to Know Jesus

Reading inspirational faith articles will help you develop a deeper faith and stronger relationship with our Lord.  The Bible is not merely a collection of sixty-six books written by more than forty human authors over a span of fifteen centuries.  It is a single book with a unified theme, a coherent message, and an astonishing relevance to our everyday lives.  

The Bible is not a painting to be looked at, but a window to be looked through, and through that window we see Jesus.  We don’t follow the Bible – we read the Bible so we can follow Jesus – who is God’s ultimate self-disclosure.  We read the Bible to learn about the failure of the old and the beauty of the new, brought about by Jesus, who said “Follow me.”  The gospel in one word is simply Jesus! 

Why did Jesus come to earth?  “I have come that they may have life,” He said, “and have it to the full” (John 10:10).  And what is that “life … to the full,” the abundant life Jesus describes? “Now this is eternal life,” He said, “that they may know you, the only true God, and Jesus Christ, whom you have sent” (John 17:3).  The abundant life, eternal life, comes from knowing God, and from knowing Jesus Christ.

The Scripture and the Spirit

So in order to know the blessing of abundant and eternal life, we must get to know Him.  And the way we get to know Him is through the pages of Scripture as they are revealed and interpreted for us by the Holy Spirit.  The Scriptures and the Spirit – you can’t separate the two.  The Bible without the Spirit leads to dullness, boredom, and dead, institutional Christianity.  The Spirit without the Bible leads to fanaticism and wild fire.  We need both the Spirit and the Word.

To read inspirational faith articles to strengthen your faith click on –  ARTICLES.